Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thoughts versus Truth

This blog posting is a response, based on Lysa’s book Unglued.

Oh my, how my thoughts have battled through the years to even consider there might be a grain of truth that was other than my own unconstructive thoughts.
Insecurity is a terrible thing to live with; for the one who suffers with the negative thoughts, as well those who are on the receiving end.

I’m certain you have all heard this accusation, “You will twist and bend anything I say in order to have your own way with it.”
I was a pro at that!
And I am not proud of it…no, not at all.

I could twist anything to have it result in absolute proof that I was not loved; not wanted; not cared for.
Pick one!
Heck, pick them all!
What a miserable existence.

Admittedly, I still battle with this, yet my ‘imperfect progress’ is recognizable.
While it is unquestionably not an easy task to change ones way of thinking, it is productive…and Godly. Yes, don’t ever forget that…it is Godly.
Even if someone’s actions are questionable, or maybe even nasty…I don’t need to entertain them. It does me no favor in my walk with the Lord.

It hurts my walk.
It ruins my day.
It forms frown lines. :0(   ….and one thing I definitely don’t need are more lines, thank you very much!

Living with Godly thoughts; positive thoughts; good thoughts about myself and my actions….only produces more and more good thoughts and behavior. The results of that need no explanation.

Regardless of anything…..anything, I am loved.

That is truth. I am created in God’s image. God’s image.
I may not always act as if I am…but, I am.
I am learning to literally ‘toss’ the negative thoughts out of my head and just get on with my life.

I have found the key to doing this is to spend time with the Lord daily and to read His Word daily as well. I also need to remember, each moment, how special I am; how precious I am. I am God’s child; His precious child.

I am on this earth to grow in Him; to glorify Him.

That is a high calling, and the God of the universe would not have called me unless He knew I was capable of handling it. He knew I would be an ‘over comer’ because He has faith in me. He has more faith in me than I have in myself.

I have looked and searched on this earth for acceptance and approval only to be disappointed and often to see what is not there through my negative lens. Now I am finally learning to look only to Him for my acceptance and approval…and it is working! Praise God!

One Scripture verse in particular that Lysa used, is a favorite of mine, and that is the Philippians 4:8 verse: “Whatever is true…..think on such things.” I try to recall this verse during my challenging times. I believe we all need a verse to call upon in difficult times.

In chapter twelve, as Lysa wrote about a difficult situation she dealt with regarding another woman’s scorn, she wrote: “It said a lot more about Abby’s hurt than it did about me or my ministry.”

I think this is vital that we all remember that when others do hurt us, they are dealing with their own ‘baggage.’ We mustn’t take everything so personal; it’s not about us.

It helps to remember our own baggage and the hurts we’ve caused others by it.

Forgive; love and pray.

My prayer is that each one of us will overcome and conquer, with the Lord’s help, our individual struggles with our ‘thoughts vs. truth.’

Monday, October 29, 2012

EBook....True Story

In response to Courtney’s invitation, I would like to take this opportunity to write a bit about an eBook I recently finished. I believe with all my heart the Lord encouraged me to write this book.
I hesitated.
I dragged my feet.
I made excuses.
I am human.
That seems a good enough excuse, doesn’t it?
I mean, when the Lord calls on us to do something….
don’t we normally question?

Once I had finally settled into the idea, I began to write. Then, I stopped for a variety of reasons.
One; it was too painful.
Another; I remained human.
I had my doubts as to why the Lord would call ME to write a book.
The questions; why, and, what do I have to say that others would want to read?
But in all my procrastination, in all my doubts, in all my fears…
…as I continued to drag my feet…the Lord persisted. 

I am forever thankful that I listened to Him. (How often I have spoken that statement).

Not only have I healed deeply, but I now have something I can share with others. Those who might be losing hope, or struggling to regain hope, may well benefit from reading my book. Those who are trying to heal and come to terms with their own walk with the Lord; those who are at odds with trying to understand themselves and others...all can profit from reading those words the Lord had me put to paper.

My book is “real.” It is a true unexaggerated story of a life filled with much pain and unmet expectations. It is “one woman’s journey”…..
…a journey that took me far from Him, and yet, would prove that He was never far from me.

My prayer continues to be that the Lord will place this book into the hands of those who ought to read it.
It is not yet in book form. It has been edited and will go into print sometime in the new year.

This season of my life has been rewarding. I can say that now. 
The Lord is Good. I have grown and continue to overcome.
I have hope.
I have Him.

My eBook is titled, Hell to Higher Ground. The author is Judi McIntyre.
Thank you for this opportunity to share!
Have a great day, everyone!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

From Unglued to Renewed

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2 (NIV)

As I read Lysa’s blog this morning on the topic of the above Scripture, I was quickly taken back to earlier days when I suffered from agoraphobia.

Oh how I remember the many fears I had adopted that haunted me each and every day. Those fears had become ‘etched’ in my mind.
I thought of nothing else as I would approach the door to leave the safety of my home.
Each time, I would recall my last attempt to leave, and I would be challenged once again; challenged to overcome intense fear….fear of it all….everything and anything….and I would continue to fail.
 I would falter and consequently fail to walk out that door a free woman; free to live as others lived.

Free to live as I had once lived.

My heart pounding so hard I could scarcely hear my own thoughts; my knees weakening, tingling sensations overtaking my body, sweat beading on the palms of my hands, the feeling of a band tightening around my head, and trembling…..I would break down and return to the safety of my living room.

I lived like this for many years….crippled and alone in this sickness.


It has been many years now, and I have since overcome that disease.
I am once again a free woman.

Over time I learned to erase what had been etched in my mind.

Yes, there were growing pains…yes, there was failure…, but I did it. I finally conquered my sickness.

My mind was renewed and each day I continued to be transformed by the love of God.

While I am constantly reminded of who the god of this world is, and to remove myself far from his grasp, I am also constantly reminded of who MY God is…a God who is capable of all and can and will deliver each one of us if we only allow Him to work in and through us.

The Lord empowered me to allow Him to erase what had been etched on my mind.
All the fears, the doubts…..His Hand gently removed those scars…and since then I have accepted and replaced them with good, healthy thoughts.

Just as He healed me in the area of my fears, I am confident of His ability to heal me in the areas of my becoming ‘Unglued.’

I only need to search for Him …. Turn to Him…. Invite Him in…. Constantly determine to do His good, pleasing, and perfect will.

The Lord will never let me down…it is only me who will allow me to continue to fail. In Him I find the strength to overcome … so it is to Him I must turn… I will turn, and become the woman I know I can be.

The woman He desires me to be.

I know I can be a better woman because He lives in me and He has given me the power.

What must I do?

Unremittingly, turn to Him. For it is when I turn to Him, I can only do the right thing.