Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Don't be a Grounded Butterfly

Each day, I like to begin with a devotional; some insightful thought that is both uplifting and promising to not only my day, but my future as well. While not always easy, depending on my frame of mind and the time available to me, it is always fruitful when I do take the time to listen and enjoy what the Lord speaks to me. I share today’s thoughts with you in the following:

It is said, if we were to lend a hand and help the butterfly remove itself from the cocoon, the butterfly would not be tough enough to continue to exist. It is the great effort that prepares the butterfly to become strong enough to fly. Without this great effort in the cocoon, it could not stay alive to become a butterfly.

Similarly, the Lord prepares each of us in like ways. Some of our childhoods seem to have been cruel and born from a seemingly unloving God. However, the Lord knows our struggle and will make our life a tool in His hand if we will pursue Him with an honest heart. He makes all things beautiful, in His time; we only need to be patient.
Brief, yet full of reflection. I must look today to how the Lord has brought me where I am right now and have the confidence that He will faithfully move me forward to where He wants me to be. I only need to continue to pursue Him with an honest heart. In doing so, I will allow Him to work through me; I will be obedient and follow Him wherever He leads.

Nothing in my life is to be wasted; all will be used by God, if only I will allow that to happen. If I choose to remain in my cocoon, I will miss out on the freedom the Lord has for me in this life. I will miss out on the strength He so desires to give me. I will never know the many wonderful experiences He has planned for me that lie ahead unless I step out, open my wings….and jump.