Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ceramic Ants

While browsing through an artisans shop in a nearby town, I came across a ceramic piece I found interesting.

It was painted in spring tones, and came complete with a wire hanger. It simply read: “There are Always Ants at a Picnic.”

Initially, I walked away from this piece, but I couldn’t seem to get it off my mind. “There are always ants at a picnic.”

It hit me right away how true that is of life. Our lives carry on, day by day, with many amazing yet challenging scenarios. No matter how wonderful our times may be, there always seems to be that difficulty that will rear its head somewhere in the middle.

I continued to browse, but returned to that piece hanging on the wall.

I just had to have it.

It spoke to me.

It was as if the Lord was prodding me, saying, this is how life should be viewed. Many things that happen are not the tragedies I make them out to be; they are merely inconveniences. “There are always ants at a picnic.”

They do not destroy the good times; they don’t possess that power unless I allow them.

Ants are merely a nuisance. 

While there are many serious matters that do pass through our lives, the tendency to over react on those that are not serious, has left us unbalanced and therefore poorly equipped to handle those that are serious.

Life, with all its hills and valleys, definitely does have its tribulations. Ants certainly are a nuisance and difficult to get rid of.

But I need to remain balanced and choose my battles wisely. I must see and adhere to, truth.

When that truth stands in front of my face so closely that I cannot turn my head, this is what it speaks to me:

Philippians 3:8
…I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” (NIV)

I purchased that ceramic hanging, as you can see by the photo. It helps me to maintain a proper perspective when I find myself becoming distressed.

Have a blessed day!


  1. Awesome!!! Great outlook. I have never thought of life in that fashion. I am an over reactor when it comes to day to day challenges so this is a good way to think about a situation before I act. THANKS!

  2. You are entirely welcome! I am glad this post spoke to you.
