Today I realized that in less than 2 months, it will be Christmas. In two short months from today, Christmas day will have passed for another year. It seems like yesterday I just put the summer clothes away. Wait a minute…. Yes…… it was yesterday.
Time flies more quickly as the years go by. It seems there is a lot of talk about this amongst my friends and “older” family members these days. I often catch myself thinking, “I sound just like my Grandmother.”
Just as the seasons pass by each year, so it is with the seasons of our lives. When we are young, they pass by unnoticeably. I don’t recall ever giving any thought from one year to the next. The most important issue about another birthday was to ensure I had my wish list updated and made known to others. Now, each year I am very much aware of my upcoming birthday…but my first thoughts are never about my wish list; my first thought is about the age I will be turning on that day.
And the number is getting higher. I ask myself the usual question: Where has the time gone? Familiar question? It is around our house. Where has the time gone.
But, more importantly, I was pondering this morning, how has that time been spent? Has it been spent nurturing relationships? My relationships with family and friends? My relationship building with new people in my midst? How about my relationship with the Lord? How am I doing in the area of building my relationship with God?
When we read the accounts of Jesus’ life on this earth, we learn that he spent much time with his Father in prayer. Jesus spent time on his relationship with his Father. Jesus is our example; we look to him for guidance.
If Jesus, sinless and holy, felt it necessary to spend extended periods of time in prayer with his Father, how much more do we, as fallen and sinful human beings, need this time with God? How much more do I need his daily guidance and protection?
Mark 1:35, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
Luke 5:16, “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”
Luke 6:12, “One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
Luke 9:28, “About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray.”
These are merely a handful of the Scriptures that refer to Jesus’ prayer life.
His relationship with his Father was of utmost importance to him. He did nothing without his Father’s direction. He only did as God instructed him.
As I think about my own relationship with God today, I ask if you might join me in considering yours. How are you doing today in your walk with God?
Relationships; they take time. Time to build and time to keep.
Mark 14:38, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”
I recall the words of Jesus in John 6:38, “I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.”
Just like Jesus, we are here to do the Father’s will. We are here to glorify God.
Jesus’ obedience would be the picture of the perfect relationship with Almighty God. The cross would be the proof.
I admire you for having your own blog. It is an inspiration to me, knowing some of the struggles you have had, are some of the same ones, I have gone through & sometimes still face. God Bless you. Gladys