This blog is in response to the Proverbs 31 Bible study that Melissa Taylor is leading, on Karen Ehman’s book titled, “Let. It. Go.”
I became a follower of Christ as an adult…mid forties to be more exact. I can’t even begin to tell you how difficult it was, by that age, for me to learn God’s ways over my own.
I had always been a very independent person; one who was very set in my ways and…as my husband would agree….quite opinionated…and correct…all the time. Yet, in my defense, I would say that I was willing to admit I was wrong…should that time ever come to fruition.
Let’s face it…I was stubborn and headstrong to no end.
When I first came face to face with the Scripture about wives submitting to their husbands…I honestly didn’t even care that it was God’s word. I was so disturbed by that Scripture verse; I simply decided to ignore it.
Somehow, that Scripture reference had been misquoted; mistaken…by someone along the way. Some translator had really messed up on that one.
In time…and it took a lot of it…I came to both understand and respect that verse.
I knew in my heart that God put everything in the Bible for my own good. I knew there must be a reasonable explanation. And there was….
Submission? Well, I am getting better. (I have to be honest here because my husband gets my blogs on his work email.)
I now understand the meaning; I also understand I am to submit to a godly husband…which mine is…most of the time.
When I feel he has tripped up, I am comfortable with confrontation…or should I say… discussion.
For the most part, I believe he is as well. My husband has never desired to “run” the show…most of our decisions are based on mutual agreement or compromise.
I am pleased that my husband rules over me (HA!)….I need to add…when it suits me. (I can hear him laughing now).
He is a man who strives to follow the Lord and I know I can trust him.
Trust was something I found difficult in all my relationships because of my past.
I really try to see his point of view now more than I ever did.
Submission is not easy for me, but I have come to know the comfort of allowing him to lead and, if I feel uneasy, I do speak up. (Yes, dear, nod in agreement).
I always remember:
No one is perfect, no one except God
God gave me a good mind
God made me to be a helper for my husband, just as He is my helper
Hubby and I are equals
We simply have different roles.
I am loved and respected, and I know it. This is healthy.
Oh, and one more thing I gotta say….
God made Eve last because once he had made man he turned and said, “I know I can do better.”
I’m only joking……….
Have a blessed day!